Saturday, February 26, 2011

She Blinded Me

These are: Songs I would never think of putting on a mix - just because. So...

This is a loose association 1980s musical journey. It's short and sweet. 

Thomas Dolby (She blinded Me With Science) played keyboards on Urgent by Foreigner. The album cover for Foreigner 4 was done by some bloke named Storm Thorgerson who also did an album cover for Genesis, a band I can't bring myself to put on a mixtape, although Mama is a great song until Phil Collins starts making uncomfortable animal sex noises. So, I moved easily to Peter Gabriel who used to be in Genesis. His song Games Without Frontiers (Kate Bush sings in the back), an anti-war song, goes back to back with another great anti-war song: Seconds by U2. And then naturally to Metro by Berlin, keeping with the theme because that's where they tore down the wall. Now, I tried to find a link from Berlin to Prince and that's where I just got lost. Until I found out that Prince has some gawdawful song about the Berlin wall - which I will not include in this - instead, enjoy The Beautiful Ones which is effing insane…I like Santi White but this is about the 1980s, so here's What Are Words For by Missing Persons, an obvious influence on Santi's style. The Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon connection is that Dale Bozzio had a solo album on Princes Paisley Park records. Yes, as strange as that is. So, it ends with A-Ha, The Sun Always Shines On TV. It's late and I can't find a connection with Missing Persons. So, I'll cop-out, goodnight.   

P.S. Since Foreigner stupidly never did a video for Urgent, here's the next best thing - possibly one of the best 80s videos and Journey is on par.

And in case you were wondering on how to get your mitts on the music, you can download any of my mixes if you click on just the right spot on that DivShare player. Try it.

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